Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maintaining Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

“When I earned my RPSGT credential, I thought I had earned a ‘credential for life.’ Why doesn’t the BRPT allow grandfathering for the RPSGT credential, exempting longtime credential holders from the requirement to recertify?” That’s a question I see raised on message boards on a regular basis. The answer is very straightforward.

The RPSGT exam is the only exam specific to the sleep field that is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the accrediting arm of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE). NCCA accreditation standards are rigorous. They call for certification programs to have a strong mechanism in place to measure and enhance the continued competence of all certificants. That mechanism is recertification. NCCA standards prohibit “grandfathering;” we cannot allow credential holders to continue to use the RPSGT credential and offer them an exemption from the recertification requirement.

The BRPT’s recertification requirements assure that all RPSGTs maintain current knowledge and skills. This is particularly important in our rapidly evolving field. Simply put, grandfathering is not an option. A grandfathering policy would mean loss of NCCA accreditation for the RPSGT exam, and that would not be acceptable.

NCCA accreditation represents independent third-party validation of all processes involved in the development and delivery of the RPSGT exam. We’re very proud of the NCCA accreditation the RPSGT exam has achieved. NCCA accreditation has been critical in winning recognition of the RPSGT credential as proof of professional competency in state legislatures, before state medical and licensing boards, and in CMS reimbursement guidelines.

With more than 17,000 RPSGTs worldwide and BRPT’s strong 32-year history of providing a robust and valid credentialing program, the RPSGT credential will remain the gold standard in sleep technology.

Many of you have begun the active RPSGT recertification process and are logging your CECs into BRPT’s free online recertification platform. To help facilitate the recertification process and to answer any questions you may have, I’ll be conducting a free one-hour webinar, courtesy of ADVANCE magazine, on February 24 at 1:00 EST. To register, go to I hope you’ll join me!

Janice East, RPSGT, R. EEG T.
BRPT President


  1. I understand the issue of recert and why it has to be done. But the Board needs to do more in providing the opportunity for CE's online. Not all of us work for companies that understand the process and does provide the financial means to get to these meeting around the country to earn CE credits. It can get very expensive specially when you have four or five registered techs. Some of us don't make that kind of money to be able to spend it on these trips. Besides, its getting more and more difficult to find jobs in this field that pays well. Most Doctors offices and Hospitals don't want to pay. If we go by what is provided now, non of us will have the ability to get all the 50 CE's needed.

  2. I agree with Luis. The hospital I work for wont pay for its techs to go to these expensive seminars and dont provide ant way for us to get CE's at work. Even when Webinars are open for us to do online, they are always at 12-1 pm. The majority of sleep techs work 12 hour night shifts! The BRPT doesnt appear to be "reaching out" to its members, most of whom dont make alot of money.

  3. It is difficult to obtain on site CEU's. As an RRT as well, I can capture my CEUS all via online or obtain the coursework thru the mail. I usually get a better comprehensive inservice via a course ordered thru the mail or online than I do by attending an all day symposium. I am also a Sleep Diagnostics Vendor. It's difficult to attend a conference when my company is assisting or participating in the conference. I'm there to work and show my products. As a participant in these shows, I have to agree w/the previous comments. Attendance is down. Labs just do not have the funds to send techs to these conferences.

  4. Since the BRPT is requiring recertification, the BRPT ought either provide ability to recertify 100% through BRPT or 3rd Party BRPT certified CEU training and testing materials.

    The RpSGT Exam is computer multiple multiples, create and provide 100% recertification 50 CEU's RpSGT job specific CEU training & testing online from BRPT and BRPT certified 3rd party websites.

    BRPT requires the recertification standards & job specific materials. Create a fee structure to underwrite and maintain a BRPT recertification training & CEU section covering 50+ CEU's and or a training section to prepare those RpSGT's who decide to resit BRPT Boards to recertify.

  5. You people are whining. Get off your lazy rumps and do something for your profession. It shouldn't be served to you on a silver platter. Work for and maintain your credential.

    And as for the BRPT, you need to take a stance and provide more for the credential,or.. the NBRC and thhe ABSM will be taking over because you are failing the be strong. We should't need 4 Sleep Credentials... RPSGT, CPSGT, SDS, and the on from the ABSM

  6. It is difficult and expensive to fullfil an over complicated ceu platform that has been pushed on us. The AASM is already not content with the current pass rates on the RPSGT exam. It eludes me why, once credentialed, they feel it necessary to develop such a complicated recertification process. Perhaps I should instead of worring about recertification in 2 1/2 years I should instead look to take the NBRC exam or perhaps wait and do the AASM one. Be easier and less expensive in the long run.

  7. I understand perfectly the need to recertify. I am also fine with being soaked for the money for the recertification. But if you are going to extort the money from me at least give me your final price so I can pay it and be done. Quit with the CEC, in varying categories, crap.

    It's funny that the same credits that are sufficient to keep my labs accredited are not good enough for the BRPT.

    Think i will just wait for the ABSM credential, and encourage my staff to do the same. It's really no surprise the ABSM is holding your feet to the fire.

    I see the beginning of the end of the BRPT and it doesn't make me sad.

  8. I throw the BS flag!

    See the text copied from the ARRT (Radiology technologist)standards directly from their website. They are also credentialed by the NCCA and are allowing Grandfathering prior to Dec 2011. Nice try BRPT!

    Section 2.05 Time-Limited Certification for Registered
    Technologists. All new certifications awarded on or after
    January 1, 2011 will expire ten years from the date of issue.
    Completion of requirements to assure continued
    qualifications (which may be amended from time to time)
    must be documented prior to the end of the ten-year period to
    continue certification for an additional ten-year period. All
    requirements for annual renewal of registration will remain in
    effect during the ten-year period as will all reinstatement
    requirements. Certifications awarded prior to January 1,
    2011 and for which registration is continuously maintained
    are not subject to the requirements of Section 2.05. If a
    certification awarded prior to January 1, 2011 is revoked for
    any reason, and that individual ever regains certification, the
    new certification will expire ten years from the date of issue.
    Section 2.06 Time-Limited Certification for Registered
    Radiologist Assistants. Radiologist assistant certification is
    time-limited. Certification is issued for a 10-year period
    during which time all provisions of Article V must be met. In
    addition to the provisions of Article V, additional requirements
    must be met every 10 years as follows:
    During the five years preceding the end of the ten-year

    Bret Svoboda, BS, RPSGT(1984 #106)

  9. I agree with almost every comment made, except the comment made stating we are whining, nobody posting here is lazy. Furthermore, nothing from the BRPT has ever been handed to us on a silver platter. It is very difficult to earn the 50 CEU's when so many of them have to be from seminars. I am also a respiratory therapist and we are permitted to obtain our CEU's any way we can get them. Most of us don't work for companies that allow time off from work to get to the seminars. While I love being an RPSGT I have to agree with Steve, I would not be sad to see the BRPT come to an end.

  10. Steve, I completely agree with everything that you state! And Bret, you are great for calling that!!!
    Recertification process.....4 catorgies, maximal limits in each(nearly REQUIRING you to pay to attend national meeting in my opinion), and no clear guidelines of each catorgy. And before you call me on that, read all the information from the website and you will see there are several areas that are unclear or definitions that change depending on what page you are reading. To add insult to injury, you'll find that AARC approved courses are not all accepted as you might think. If you thought that ACLS was a good idea for sleep techs, apparently the BRPT disagrees.
    You will find that you will have to enter your CEU's into the "tracking tool", call the BRPT for approval on some, hope that you entered them into the correct catagory, and be ready to defend the CEU's that you have entered.
    What could have been a relatively easy process was made difficult. Who was present in that room the day this process was decided upon? Apparently professials more intelligent than you and I.
    Lee Ann

  11. I agree with so many of the comments and disagreee with our friend that feel we are whining and lazy.
    It is very difficult getting the CEU's that are required. There are not enough local seminars to obtain varying subject. Difficult to afford the other ones including the Main event in Sleep meeting in June. Air fare room and board and the cost registration is too much to make it worth it. I went to the meeting in MN a couple years ago and it cost us over $900 and we didn't even stay in the "Special Event Priced" hotel rooms. what a joke. never again. And after paying registration fees we are expected to pay additional fees for lectures to get credits and another fee to process them. Then we have the ASST that charges a fee to compile our CEU. Can they just sent that info over? no, we still have to add all info once again. Where is the clear cut rules, they seem to change often, you need 50 CEU's in 5 years, then you have to get at least 5 every year, then there was you can't get them all at once or use more then 20 in a year. What good it earning 30 credits at the sleep meeting if we can't use them all. there is too much confusion. Maybe I'm speaking without all the facts, and that is because I don't get all that info properly. What a surprise?
    Sure I wish grandfathering was still in effect, but I do understand continuing education. Lets just make it easier to meet the needs, and BRPT and ASST lets get along and help your people not just charge us more and more.
    Ed H.

  12. Dear BRPT,
    Why not offer a webinar every year for 10 CEUs and charge each member who use them 100$. Condense all the latest in Sleep in one webinar a year! I think that is the best way to maintain current knowledge and skill.

    Pissssed RPSGT

  13. Hi All,

    I agree with everything every one has said here - except the fellow who says we are whiners. Irvin offers a great suggestion. Making the CEC process easier and less costly for RPSGT's seems like the way to go.


  14. Yes, We shall all pay through the nose to keep our RPSGT current, even those of us that passed the exam prior to the new expiration guidelines
    ( i.e. - NO EXPIRATION DATE ) If you have difficulty using the CEC interface, too bad, , you'll be fortunate enough to pay a punitive charge on top of the exorbitant fees and costs to acquire more CECs. ( can you say "IRS" ? )
    I guess BRPT should be afraid of the AASMs new credential, I for one will be seriously considering it.

  15. I work at a hospital that until about 2 years ago was willing to pay for continuing education. When the economy took a down turn the purse strings slammed shut.

    As a manager I now had a challenge of how to keep my staff current and certified. One avenue I have taken is to contact the CPAP manufacturers. All of our major manufacturers have CEU opportunities that they will provide to labs free of charge. All of my staff have taken advantage of this opportunity. Occasionally instead of having a long staff meeting we will invite our Respironics rep or ResMed rep, or any other manufacturer to come and do an inservice for credit. Most of the reps will also do a regional program that lasts half day or even all day. If you can get several labs together this may also be an option. I have never had a cost associated with any program that was offered by a Pap manufacturer. They are always more than willing to provide education.

    Recertification is a good thing. It keeps all of us up to date and informed.


  16. 26 years performing polysomnography, leading research, guiding thousands of new tech’s via teaching in schools, hands on, and thru writing books and educational media, has allowed me the experience to comment on this topic. Having initially supported its ideal, and once being proud of my credential hanging on my office wall…I can say that I am no longer proud of my association with the BRPT nor is my credential hanging on my office wall anymore…its in a storage box. At this point…my credential is a necessary evil. I am sad that my initial efforts and association with the BRPT have led to its present form. I understand the need for the NCCA association…but not the BRPT’s bastardization of its guidelines for grandfathering. What a slap in the face. I understand the mandate for a standardized recertification process…but I do not understand the BRPT dropping the ball both in initial need of candidates and scope of educational support. At this juncture, the BRPT needs to be the gold standard for polysomnography certification/registration, however it is just a “joke”. “The BRPT is just a joke” this quote
    came up in every conversation I have had about the BRPT in the last ten years…but not from my lips thus far…until today.
    The fact that the BRPT was blindsided by the ABSM’s intention…should tell you something.
    I will continue to support efforts to teach, guide and protect each new person in our field, as I have for the last 26 years…im just hoping, not thru the BRPT.

  17. I too am an RPSGT with 20+ yrs in the sleep field. I feel as though we have been railroaded by all of the organizations just in the name of money. How much money they can make off of us. We are the ones with the knowledge and expertise that is required for the rest of them to make their money, but we are the ones who are being taken advantage of. I have had enough of it all. I will do what I can to keep my job, but when it comes to bowing down to everyone's demands, I will not. I no longer consider our profession one that I would recommend anyone to persue. It's a shame because ultimately the patients are the ones who will pay the price.

  18. Well said, everyone! I have been waiting approval for most of my CEU's to meet the 50 unit requirement and I keep being told to check back every couple of weeks. This is ridiculous. And, most of the time the website isn't working correctly and I can't even get in to see if my units have met with BRPT approval. Like so many of you that have posted, I will also be taking the ABSM certification. I agree that the only goal of the BRPT is $$$$$$$. We never know what guidelines will be changing from day to day. I fully agree with Sleeper, the BRPT credential is just a necessary evil. I am proud that I am a registered polysomnographer but my knowledge and expertise is through my own endeavors and desire to constantly learn and stay on the cutting edge. I have accomplished this without any help from the BRPT. Continuing education needs to be mandatory for everyone but the BRPT should make this simpler to accomplish. Anything that is related to sleep that offers CEU's by nationally recognized organizations should be honored by the BRPT. I agree with Pat's suggestion to earn CEU's offered by PAP manufacturers but even sometimes those CEU's are not recognized by the BRPT, some of my CEU's earned through PAP manufacturers are being scrutinized by the BRPT.

  19. I agree with so many of the coments. I'd like to thank Bret for his statement on grandfathering. How how the BRPT will responed to this. I would also like to thank Ivan for his fantastic idea for the BRPT to sponsor webinars each. What a great solution to a confusing process. If the BRPT is really in our corner & not just out to make money, than walk the talk BRPT. When we need to attend courses for CEUs, its not just the cost of the course we pay for. We also have associated costs such as air fare, gas, meals & hotels expenses. Also lets not forget that the BRPT increased cost for the exam to $450.00. That is a $100.00 increase for those who have not yet taken the exam. Do you think people are rich. Many organizations have decreased or discontinued funds for education. It is my hope that the BRPT will seriously reflect on many of the coments posted here. If not, then like others i will not be sad to see the BRPT come to an end. lastly I would like to address the person who made the coment that we all needv to stop our whining & get off our lazy rumps. Excuse me, but I worked very hard my credential & I work hard to maintain it as I'm sure we all do. (SHAME ON YOU FOR MAKING SUCH A RUDE & THOUGHTLESS COMENT.)

  20. 1. Dumb down the exam from its inception as a comprehensive multi-part exam to a multiple choice test.

    2. Create convoluted rules for recertification.

    3. Create rules with a high price and no simple online option.

    4. No grandfathering whatsoever.

    5. Stand by while the AASM rewrites guidelines for accreditation making BRPTs obsolete.

  21. just what in the world are we to do??? get 50 CEU's for recertification or retake the exam? i am ver confused about what to do. I took the exam and have had credentials of RPSGT since 1999. I am very confused as of what I am to do to continue keeping my credentials. I also have my Registered Respiratory Therapist license and my Registered Nurse license to keep up with. please advise and let me know what I am to do. Thanks

  22. I will not believe the BRPT until they admit the missteps with the lifetime credentialing, and show the membership the by laws, and tell me why they do not have competitive bidding for the executive director who seems to run the show now, not the president in my opinion. I will seriously consider the AASM certificate as I am THAT disappointed!

    I feel bad for all the new techs coming on board when there seems to be no dependable port in the storm to assist them. Taking weeks to get test results appears to have been replaced by taking weeks to get credits verified. Diferant dance, but same old song.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I don't understand at first it was 50 CEC's , 10 a year for 5 years. Then it was 50 in 5 years anyway.
    You can keep track of them via the AASM site. Which is difficult transferring them to the BRPT site.
    Now when I"ve put the cecs in to the BRPT site its.
    Just to find out.... I am sorry, your CEC's have to be this many here and this many there
    Oh these ones might not count and you have to many here.
    Hundreds of Dollars spent on cec's that now I find out aren't in the right categories. I think no matter obtained them should not matter the fact is CEC is still cec if I got it at a conference or on line... whats the big deal????
    That would of been nice to know 5 years ago. ALSO The pending should not take so long to find out. I am frustrated with the whole thing....

  25. I've had nothing good to say about the BRPT since my first test I took (and passed). The test taking conditions were terrible. (the school was overbooked with activities...the room was hot and crowded and noisey...and we took our tests on tables with the surface ripped off)

    The test was no where near as challenging as any paramedic test I have ever taken. And I still agree with the've been testing people on irrelevent subject matter. My test had questions about calibrating paper machines and I have only seen a few collecting dust. You are slow to change!
    Because there are no practical testing stations (like we have in EMS), you have no idea whether someone is technically capable of a good hook up.

    I've never gotten any satisfactory solution to any problem when I call your office.

    I've never gotten a written reply from any snail mail correspondence.

    I took a warning from a Respironics sales rep who told me how cumbersome it was logging CEUs on the BRPT website. I thought I'd start early...but I've had several occasions when I can't even log in. Thats right, even our most well known vendors know about these things.

    I don't know what you do with the vast sums of cash you get from the poor tests you administer...and mind you...I'm no fan of the way AAST or AASM spend the vast cash sums they extort...but it's no wonder the country's sleep docs have lost faith in BRPT.

    Please do something right for a change and get the site running so I can trudge through your swamp and renew my credential (such as it is).

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

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