Thursday, May 30, 2013

It’s Always A Good Time To Get Involved

I think it’s safe to say that volunteering for an organization or a cause is something most people want to do in life but with busy schedules, families, demanding jobs and everything else that life throws at us, it often ends up on the “to do list of what’s next for me.”  When I joined the BRPT’s Exam Development Committee four years ago, I had no idea where this volunteer opportunity would take me.  Since then, I’ve become a member of the Board, have served as Chair of the BRPT Scholarship Committee and in six months, I’ll take over as BRPT President.   To say it’s been a rich and rewarding experience is an understatement. I’ve had the privilege to become a bigger part of this great community of sleep technologists, meeting – and learning from – new colleagues while developing new skills.  Not only has this volunteer experience opened new doors for me, the feeling of achievement – both personally and professionally, is unparalleled.

But don’t just take my word for it -- I recently came across a terrific blog entry by the organization HandsOn Blog that nicely details “8 Benefits of Volunteerism” -- .

The BRPT recently reorganized its volunteer engagement structure to better meet the needs of the organization and to better serve its volunteers. From exam item writing to reviewing candidate applications to supporting our legislative efforts, there are numerous opportunities to put your skills to good use while supporting a community and profession you love.  If you’re interested in getting involved with BRPT, please complete the volunteer engagement form
and we’ll look forward to putting your skills and expertise to good use!

Theresa Krupski, RPSGT, RRT

BRPT President-Elect